Thursday, July 14, 2005

Bored and blogging once again...

Wow, has it really been almost a year since I last wrote!?!?! Summer...I guess it will do that to you. Along with the fact that my husband has been gone for over a week and won't be back from his Air Force training until the end of the month. Boo-hoo-hoo...

So, I just got our internet hooked up today and am really excited to have another connection to the outside world. I've felt like I've been in a cage for the past week almost, only able to make phone calls to friends and family after 9 when our free minutes start.

God has taught me sooo much in this past year about trusting Him and not to make my own plans for my life...'cause they are never as good as the ones that He has for me. I have been blessed with a wonderful, loving, hard-working, God-fearing husband, a very nice apartment that is actually a 4-plex in an upscale neighborhood, a great job at Fellowship Christian Academy (the school for Tony Evans' church here in Dallas), and awesome friends everywhere! Never in my wildest dreams growing up would I have ever pictured myself doing what I have done. Who, and a kid, imagines themselves graduating with a Bachelors from a college in Texas, meeting, dating, and marrying some hunkie surfer/future-doctor who grew up in the Republic of Panama as a missionary kid, moving to a huge city, and working for Tony Evans' church's school? God is awesome...that's all I have to say!!

Well, my favorite mom is making the 800+ mile drive today to stay with me for the rest of the week and weekend. Awww! I love her sooo much and we will have a blast hanging out and exploring this stink'n huge city. Sooo, I guess that means I need to go scrub the toilet and mop a floor or two to make our new apartment presentable. Hmmm...I wonder if I could talk Chris into hiring a cleaning lady...

1 comment:

tank said...

She lives!! It's good to hear that you're still alive. Way to go on the getting a job thing. Happy summer!